If there was ever a bride that did just the right amount of preparation and research for her wedding, it would have to be Jena. Chris and Jena met in the 6th grade and after a few years apart, they were reintroduced and fell in love. Their love story took the big leap when Chris proposed just weeks before their ten year anniversary. From there, Jena was on a mission to find all the perfect pieces to her wedding puzzle. She found her dress, seamstress, invitations, signage and veil all because they were the right price from businesses she wanted to support and work with. She started early and got right to work on DIY projects and made sure she had a big picture view of what she wanted.

Then, Jena contacted me. I was thrilled. She took me up on the offer to meet and go over exactly what she was looking for on her wedding day. We talked about her timeline, photos she expected, and she let me know her concerns and expectations. I love brides like this. They know what they do and don't want out of a photo session. We got to know each other before her wedding day and I believe she was 10 times more confident because she knew I had her back and knew more about her than her name.

Overall, working with Chris and Jena was great. She told me that her piece of advice to other couples planning their own weddings was "don't wait until the last minute." I agree and second her advice. There is nothing worse than being overly stressed over wedding details on your wedding day. Early preparation, research into the things you know you want and picking your vendors wisely will literally save the day. Like I said, Jena was did it right!